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Olga Keijser of Coloríginz, Seerp Gratama van Andel of Horizonteer and Maryette Lumeij.
client:  Dutch Flower Group
order:  Zero Waste IMPACT25
Progress on Zero Waste at Dutch Flower Group
Dutch Flower Group (DFG) has recently completed its collaboration with Circular Plastics Academy, focused on achieving Zero Waste as part of DFG's sustainability strategy.

In February 2023, DFG started working together with Circular Plastics Academy, with the aim of working towards their sustainability goal, called IMPACT25. DFG consists of more than 30 specialized flower and plant companies in Aalsmeer that collectively serve the entire international floriculture chain. Under IMPACT25, DFG initiated the Zero Waste project together with Circular Plastics Academy, with the aim of minimizing residual waste.

The Floral Connection and Coloriginz, both part of DFG, were selected to start the pilot program. The goal of the pilot was to examine the generated waste and take steps to reduce it. After conducting research on the production floor, various opportunities for innovation and change emerged, such as sharing knowledge about materials and waste separation. Three different training programs were developed, specifically tailored to the needs of The Floral Connection and Coloriginz, to involve every employee of the companies.

In June, the team leaders of The Floral Connection and Coloriginz received their training (see photo). The training for the rest of the colleagues will follow in the coming weeks. It will then be Coloriginz’s responsibility to further disseminate and reinforce the information about waste separation within the company. In addition to the training, The Floral Connection and Coloriginz were also provided with tools to implement and maintain the achieved results and share the learned methods with other companies within DFG.

“We can already see improvements in waste separation since the first training sessions were conducted.” We are excited to see the further results that will be achieved!
Tim Vens and Olga Keijser (both from Coloriginz)


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